Peer review expertise

International Journals reviewed
  1. Acta Oecologica
  2. American Journal of Botany
  3. Anales del Jardín Botánico
  4. Annals of Forest Sciences
  5. Annals Zoologicy Fennici
  6. Aquatic Botany
  7. Ardeola
  8. Australian Journal of Ecology
  9. Basic and Applied Ecology
  10. Biological Invasions
  11. Biological Reviews
  12. Biotropica
  13. Botanical Journal
  14. Diversity and Distribution
  15. Ecography
  16. Ecología Austral
  17. Ecological Modelling
  18. Ecology
  19. Ecology Letters
  20. Ecoscience
  21. Ecosphere
  22. Ecosystems
  23. Entomologica Fennica
  24. European Journal of Forest Research
  25. European Journal of Wildlife Research
  26. Folia Geobotanica
  27. Forest Ecology and Management
  28. Forest Science
  29. Functional Ecology
  30. Global Change Biology
  31. Internatioanl Journal of Biometeorology
  32. Journal of Animal Ecology
  33. Journal of Applied Ecology
  34. Journal of Avian Biology
  35. Journal of Biogeography
  36. Journal of Ecology
  37. Journal of Experimental Botany
  38. Journal of Vegetation Science
  39. Nature
  40. New Phytologist
  41. Oecologia
  42. Oikos
  43. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematic
  44. Plant Ecology
  45. Plant Systematic and Evolution
  46. PloS One
  47. Plant Ecology and Biodiversity
  48. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (London)
  49. Restoration Ecology
  50. Wildlife Biology
Editorial Boards

Subject Editor of OIKOS.

Grant reviews, Managing Boards and External Panels

Member of the Managing Board of the Spanish National Science Program: Biología Vegetal, Animal y Ecología (BVAE, Área 3), Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (from 2008- present).

Member of the External Panel of the Spanish Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (from 2008- present).

Member of the Board of the the Spanish Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNAI), Comité de Ciencias de la Naturaleza (AREA 5), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (from 2010- present).

Member of the Scientific Board of the Spanish Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente), from 2006- present.

Member of the Managing Board of the Spanish Natural Resources Research Program (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Plant Nacional de I+D+I), Key actions: Global Change and Biodiversity, and Biology of Organism and Ecological systems (from 2000-2003).

Member of the external Panel of the Agencia Galega de Calidade (ACSUG) (from 2007-2008).

Member of the external Panel of the Programa de Becas para Formación de Investigadores del Gobierno Vasco, Area 2 (Biología Animal-Vegetal-Ecología) (from 2004-2007).

Reviewer of European projects presented in the V Framework, Key action 2.2.1 (Ecosystem vulnerability).

Reviewer of projects of the National Science Foundation (USA), CONICET (Argentina), Swiss National Science Foundation.

Other Merits

Spanish representative for the Scientific Commite on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), International Council For Science (ICSU) ( from 2001 to 2008).

Representative of the University of Granada in the 7º Framework Programme, European Union, Thematic area Environment and Climatic Change (2006-2007).

Official advisor of the Consejeria de Medio Ambiente (Commision for the Environment of the Andalucian Administration), from 2007-present.

Director of the Terrestrial Ecology Research Group, University of Granada (RNM-220, Plan Andaluz de Investigación, from 2005-present).

President of the Spanish Terrestrial Ecological Society (AEET), from 2002-2006.

Director of the Department of Ecology, University of Granada (from 2005-2006).